Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The waiting game

Wow, September is almost over! What a month. Just think, a month ago Katrina was just another name for a girl, and the only Monster Rita around was at the local Mexican restaurant! Bella has three more days to be a September baby, and nothing would make Julie ("I'm too big to exist!") happier. You may have heard that we went into the hospital two Saturdays ago when Julie started feeling contractions. Apparently, they were due to her fever. She caught some kind of yuck and starting running a fever, which dehydrated her (even though she was still drinking a gallon of water a day!) which caused the contractions. So we went into Vandy thinking this might be it, got our parents all excited, packed our bags and rushed down there, only to find out it was a false alarm. Oh well. After fluids via i.v. and antibiotics, Julie returned to as normal as nearly 9 months pregnant can be.

In the meantime, I'm finishing up the recording. All that's left is back ground vocals and the final mixdown. Caryl Parker just added her lovely voice to two of the songs (awesome!!), and Mike Majett laid down some bass on Sunday night. The biggest problem I see is getting Julie to sing, since her lungs and diaphragm are all scrunched up because of Bella. I may end up waiting until after Bella's birthday, whenever that is.

One other hurdle for the recording is getting some group vocals together. If you're reading this, you may get a call/email to come sing with us one of these nights. Hope you're up for it!


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